Sunday, 9 April 2017

Mifeprex Mifepristone Abortion Pills Perform your Abortion by self at home

Mifeprex also called RU-486 abortion pill is an eminent brand that encloses Mifepristone as its crucial functional moiety, the medicine boasts off its therapeutic effect by simply shattering the supply of the Progesterone hormone. The hormone is also renowned by the name called pregnancy hormone and serves the important function in the women body that supplies nutrition, oxygen and essential elements for the growth and development of fetus inside the womb.

Due to inhibition of enzyme function, the fetus becomes deprived of blood supply, oxygen, and nutrition. Not this, but the endometrial and myometrial lining present in the uterus begins to shed that later flushes the dead fetal tissues along with it and the same get flushed off from the body in the form of bleeding from the vagina, blood clotting and spotting for few days.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol Abortion Pill Buy Online in USA
Use Mifepristone Abortion Pill Kit for Safe Abortion at Home
A woman has to take 3 pills of Mifeprex each of 200mcg simultaneously with plenty amount of water orally on an empty stomach. 

After taking the rest of 2 days, the woman has to visit the OBGYN clinic for the successful confirmation of the termination of the pregnancy. 

If in case, some debris left behind in uterus then the woman has to consume the remaining 2 pills of Misoprostol 200mcg either by placing the pills under the tongue or by putting the same deep into their vagina.

Few pernicious effects that can hit the woman who has opts for the abortion by the intake of pills are a headache, queasiness, fever, pain in stomach and back, chills, cramping in the stomach, trembling in muscles, fatigue, sleeplessness.

Few discreet measures that a woman should follow to lessen the risk of any side effect are taking complete rest, healthy diet, and fresh fruit juices with no-no to strenuous exercise and sensuality. Women who have ectopic pregnancy must not consume this medicine and if placing pills into the vagina then should take out their IUD from the vagina.

Buy Mifeprex Mifepristone abortion pill kit Online from our GenericEPharmacy USA website on discounted price and avail the product at your door site with faster shipping.